Monday, May 30, 2011

25 Years, 'Oprah Winfrey Show' Ended

'Oprah Winfrey Show' has become a talk show that inspired many people around the world for 25 years on air. On Wednesday (25/05/2011) yesterday, Oprah said goodbye to his loyal audience. The atmosphere of emotion surrounding the last episode of the event.

Wearing a pink dress, 57-year-old presenter opened with remarks last episode full of emotion. No spectators are invited to the studio that night, all just crew and the people closest to Oprah.

"There are no words that are in accordance with the present moment," Oprah opened her speech. The audience which greeted him with tears in their eyes clapped as he entered the stage one last time. "Every word ever spoken from the stage on Oprah, 4561 day of
my life, this is the moment," he added.

Oprah talks about the first days of his show in Chicago with co-host Richard Scher, sitting among a row of spectators. Meanwhile, video footage played to commemorate those days.

"Last chance this is really about my gratitude. This is my love letter to you all. I leave you with all the lessons that have guided me in life," he said, announcing that there will be no surprises, make-over or a gift in the episode.

"One day, we laugh with Chris Rock, the next day we were in Walter Reed (Army Medical Center) spent time with soldiers who lost their limbs," says Oprah remember episode after episode had gone through. "The day after that, we sat down with the whole family addicted to heroin," he added.

Oprah spent a few minutes to express her gratitude to the viewers who remain loyal for 25 years following the show. "You guys and this show has been a great love of my life," he said with tears streaming.

"I will not say goodbye. I'll just say, 'See you again!" He then walked off the stage, hugging and kissing her partner Stedman Graham.

Behind the stage, he said goodbye to his staff, cried with tears in his eyes. "We did it!" he shouted, and immediately embraced the show's executive producer, Sheri Salata.

Aceshowbiz launched on Thursday (05/26/2011), Oprah plans to launch a new show titled "Oprah's Next Chapter 'in its own media network in January 2012.25 Year,' Oprah Winfrey Show Ended '.

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